Service Above Self at Home and Abroad
We are a diverse group that enjoys fun, fellowship and community service.
We support others through grants, hands-on projects and social events.
We value honesty, respect and goodwill.
Welcome to our Club!

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
1st Congregational Church
55 Elm Street
PO Box 602
Camden, ME 04843-4342
United States of America
We are people of action, serving the community since 1925. Join us for an informative presentation and lively program every Tuesday at noon! Check out the Venue Map below to find us.
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Club Officers & Directors
President Elect
Club Service Chair
Immediate Past President
Foundation Scholarships Chair
Service Projects Director
Foundation Charitable Grants Chair
Foundation Investments Chair
Executive Secretary
Photo Albums