Talent Transformation: Unlocking Human Potential by Developing Social-Emotional Skills
Jan 14, 2025
Eric Shepherd
Talent Transformation: Unlocking Human Potential by Developing Social-Emotional Skills
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82797991148? pwd=cEFhVm9VcU9ZMUFoMU11dTMyQmVkUT09
The Foundation for Talent Transformation helps people understand themselves, relate effectively with others, and find paths to success. This nonprofit organization provides free self-assessments, articles, podcasts, and other resources offering individuals the practical guidance and inspiration they need to succeed personally and professionaly. President and Executive Director Eric Shepherd will explain how the Foundation meets people where they are—on their devices—to help them develop self-awareness and build needed skills needed in a fast-changing world.
Join us:
- In person at First Congregational Church, 55 Elm Street, Camden.
- Via Zoom by Clicking Here
Meeting ID: 827 9799 1148
Passcode: 810864
Phone: 646 876 9923